1、友谊是天地间最可宝贵的东西,深挚的友谊是人生最大的一种安慰。the platform of nine layers begins at the base soil; the journey of a thousand miles begins at the foot.
6、信仰比知识更难动摇;热爱比尊重更难变易;仇恨比厌恶更加持久。love is harder to sway than respect; hatred is more enduring than hatred.
7、青春是有限的,智慧是无穷的,趁短的青春,去学习无穷的智慧。wishes alone are not enough, and action should be taken.
9、把友谊归结为利益的人,我以为是把友谊中最宝贵的东西勾销了。whoever can’t dominate himself will always be a slave.
20、礼貌是儿童和青年都应该特别小心地养成习惯的第一件大事。have we heard! Where on earth have they all gone?
29、爱是苛求的,因为苛求而短暂。友谊是宽容的,因为宽容而长久。love is like a mirror, once broken, it is difficult to reunite.
36、我愿意手拿帽子站在街角,请过路人把他们用不完的时间投在里面。we can’t leave the sword until we die.
What people lack is not talent but ambition, not the ability to succeed, but the will to work hard.
Life is the ocean, hope is the compass of the helmsman, so that people will not lose their way in the storm.
It doesn’t take any special talent to succeed, just do the little things you can do well.
When kindness prevails, news becomes a vehicle for the transmission of love, truth and virtue.
The decisive factor of forming genius should be diligence, and there is a certain proportion of diligence and hard work.
When you can’t tell yourself what you learned today, don’t go to bed.
Only in loneliness and boredom can one feel the benefits of living with people about ideas.
Truth, dressed in clothes, finds facts too constrained, but in imagination, she turns very smoothly.